Monday, January 28, 2008

Sony Says Yay To Virtual Reality 3D

It seems Sony is not content with losing the "we are the innovators" tag line so in an effort to do something that can truly revolutionize gaming, they've been working on a new type of VR 3D controller. As illustrated in this patent, it's a handheld computer interactive device that incorporates motion sensors (hello Wii), multi-touch dexterity (hello Apple) and tactile feedback. The device allows the user to grab and manipulate on screen objects in 3D space, assigning different functions to each finger. They make no mention of when such a device will see the light of day but I am sooooo ready for it. Just look at the hands! Don't they look like they're having fun? Image the kind of gameplay possible with this controller. It's like Minority Report sooner than later.

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