Friday, January 25, 2008

Mie N Yu

The clever and playful pun of the title - me and you, geddit? - is a sign of things to come in the interior of this hot Asian-inspired drink and dine spot. Located in the former Georgetown Station, it's a multi-roomed bazaar of tastes and styles influenced by the regions and countries along the route of the ancient Silk Road. There is a Moroccan Bazaar dining section, a Tibetan Lounge, a Turkish Tent, a Red Baroque dining room and a sexy, high concept Hong Kong-style cocktail bar - each section offering exotic spins on American food and drink, so you won't feel too out of place. With its deep red walls, lanterns, cushions and oriental pots, the Turkish Tent is a highlight; while getting a nook in one of the silk-lined dining caverns of the Moroccan Bazaar is a feast for the senses. You have to book to eat though: if you can't get a table there are always those delicious fresh fruit cocktails in the bar.
This is only for people who are under driking age.
Let's have some fun :)

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