Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I'm Talkin' But I'm So Sleepy

That's because I've never had it so easy. Look, it's the perCushion bluetooth enabled pillow by Urban Tool. How many of you have stayed up late yappin' away only to be stopped by the ache in your hand holding the phone or the awkwardness of laying down with a headset wrapped around your ear? The perCushion makes it easier for us bedtime yappers to conversate (I know it's not a word, so sue me) totally handsfree. Inside this tempurpedic-like (oh my god, trademark!) foam cushion are a bevy of electronics that take pillow-talk into the 21st century. You've got your bluetooth module for pairing to your bluetooth enabled phone. You've got your lithium ion battery for easy recharging. You've got your integrated talk/answer buttons and status LEDs sewn in. Most important you've got a built-in speaker/microphone for a real handsfree experience - be it friendly, loving or dirty. Of course I must remind you people it's quite rude to fall asleep on the phone and the perCushion looks like it'll be easier than ever to do so. Here comes the bad news, it's concept only. I know some manufacturers that read this blog so get in contact with these people and get-ta-mass producin' dammit. I expect to see perCushions of all color persuasion at Sharper Image, Discovery stores and Brookstone by year's end.

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