Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Really Good Fake Cigarette

It looks like a cigarette, glows like one, feels like one and even emits vapor like one but it's a total fake. The e-cigarette is yet another product designed to help you kick your habit. Small doses of nicotine are delivered every time you inhale but without all the nasty poisons. The company claims it's more effective than chewing gum and patches but at $208, not many can afford it. Currently sold only in Asia and the middle east, the company plans an all out blitz on Europe and American soon.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I've always found it odd that smoking is the one habit that requires you to ween off it. With other addictive drugs, substitutes or going cold turkey are the prescribed methods. Are all the patches and chewing gums just a conspiracy to keep people addicted? Anyways from the looks of that picture, that guy looks like he's inhaling a whole lot more than nicotine.

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