Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Power Between My Legs

Looking like a cross between a crotch rocket and Confederate, the Ecosse Heretic Ti opens up a whole bunch of whoop ass to any challengers. With its titanium chassis, 120ci 135-hp engine (that's almost 1 horsepower per pound of body weight), carbon-fiber body work and six-speed transmission, this thing is FAST. . . or so I was told. I'm no bike-head so I had to rely on an associate to give me the skinny on this beast.

This particular class of motorcycle is called naked street bikes which is pretty self explanatory. It looks like a street bike but without its side panels, hence the "naked" part. I think it's cool.

Would be nice to have it parked in the front. Well anyways it costs $140,000 so I'm back in reality now. For that kind of money, I rather have a Confederate Hellcat or Renovatio.

Check out this cool bikes :)

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