Thursday, January 31, 2008

Neonode N2 Optical Touchscreen Phone

Those funny Swedes are at it again with the brand new, just unveiled Neonode N2. Still maintaining somewhat of a similar form factor to the N1 but this time looking less mobile phone and more like something they would use on Star Trek to scan for life forms. The N2 runs on the Open Platform which is a fancy-schmancy UI designed for easy file navigation. The other interesting tidbit is the touchscreen which isn't really a touchscreen at all. Neonode calls it an optical screen because it's overlaid with a network of invisible beams that detect your finger's position. Hmm, COOL! Oh and one last bit of coolness is their WRR client which is sort of like a Tivo for radio stations. A desktop client records from any of 100+ radio channels that can sync with your phone, commercial free. The specs are run of the mill for 2007 phones; 2" screen, 2MP camera, bluetooth, music, video and miniSD card slot. So there you have it. Not sure what to think of the design yet but I am interested in the Open Platform OS/UI and this optical screen thing they've patented. Neonode, SEND ME ONE!

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