Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Wonderful & True

The YKK on 99% of all zippers stands for Yoshida Kogyo Kabushibibaisha; the world's largest zipper manufacturer.

It is impossible to lick your elbow.

A duck's quack does not echo. Scientists have been unable to figure out why. (This is technically not true. A duck's quack does echo but it's generally outside the hearing range of humans. We need sophisticated equipment to hear it).

The original modern english word for butterfly was "flutterby" because technically, that's what they do.

The only domestic animal not mentioned in the bible is the cat.

It is physically impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

The eyeball is the only organ already adult sized when you're born.

The phrase "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" found in all font management programs uses every letter in the english language.

Earbuds increase bacteria growth in your ear by 700 times.

It is impossible to kill yourself by holding your breath. Your brain will automatically override "your" control and force you to breath.

When you sneeze, your heart stops for one second. That's where the saying "bless you" came from.

Honey is the only natural food that will not spoil.

You have reason to fear dentists. It was a dentist that invented the electric chair.

Chewing gum will keep you from crying the next time you need to peel an onion.

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