Tuesday, February 5, 2008

In 1000 Years

Popular Science has a great article on terraforming the red planet, which won't be red anymore if Dr. Zubrin's theories are successful. According to him, humans can transform Mars into a warm temperate world capable of supporting human life in just 1000 years. I know that's longer than any of us will ever live but on a geological time-scale . . . that's insanely fast.

The first step we've already done; exploration. We need to accurately map and identify what minerals are available. The next step is creating a rich CO2 atmosphere. Although Zubrin suggests space mirrors and hijacked meteorites, a more realistic approach relies on something humans have mastered; making artificial CO2.

We could build large CO2 producing factories and in little as 50 years, create an atmosphere thick enough to raise the temperature to +32ยบ F. Frozen water will begin to melt creating weather. The next step is to garden. Plants start the conversion of CO2 into yummy oxygen. Their decay replaces the CO2. In time (like 900 years), our efforts at playing mother nature should bear us a planet capable of sustaining human life. TA-DAH!

For all of humanity's ingenuity, we have a dark side. I'm sure once Mars is ready to be colonized, a massive space race will ensue between countries wanting to get there first to stake their claim. An ideological war breaks out between scientists and religious sects and Mars becomes the new battleground. Unfortunately for Earthlings, Martian colonists revolt and that'll be the end of our utopian dreams.

A more positive path would be to realize humans will be incapable of terraforming and colonizing other planets unless we work together. Let's hope in 1000 years that'll be the case.

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