Monday, March 3, 2008


These batteries from MOXIA are more than meets the eye. Aside from being rechargeable, they recharge via. . . wait for it . . . USB! Yes - flip up the green top to reveal a USB plug. Pop it into your USB 2.0 laptop and charge the batts. I can see great uses for the traditional cylinder and 9 volt batts, but the cell phone one has me perplexed. Isn't it easer to charge your phone with its supplied cable instead of removing the battery cover each time? These actually would go great with my Nintendo Wii console since the wii-mote uses 2 AA batteries. I could just plug the batteries into the Wii's USB ports to charge up. One issue I have with these batteries are they are not green; meaning environmentally friendly. Put in some green technology and I'll buy 'em. $24.99 for a 2-pack of AA's.

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