Monday, March 3, 2008

Allerca Cat

Cat allergy sufferers rejoice because a biotech company called Allerca have finally begun selling their long awaited Allerca cat. These are the world's first hypo-allergnic cats. Now you may think it all sounds creepy but rest assured, these cats aren't some lab experiment grown in test tubes. Quite simply, the company has identified the gene that triggers allergies. By screening and breeding only cats who have the genes missing were they able to carefully create a new cat that doesn't carry the gene at all. Aside from its biotech origins, the Allerca cat is assured to be as healthy as any pedigree. They are loving, energetic, and very expensive. At $4,000 a pop and a year long wait list already, the company can hardly breed enough of the kitties to go around. So if you have cat allergies but love furry little felines, go ahead and put yourself on the wait list. For you non-allergy sufferers, save yourself the money and go adopt a cat. There are many that need homes.

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