Friday, June 22, 2007


I never knew there was this site called

I just recently discovered it and it seems all good! I love the idea of blogging. Thanking to whoever pioneered it.

So, my name is Munkh aka Brother. I'm shy at first but loud and active as you will see. Also, I'm a total goofball (I don't know if I spelld it right) I socialize all the time face to face, on the phone, in the chat room, in the club etc. My friends say I'm wild, hahaz. What can I say? could be true.

I love to travel but too poor, haha. Need to work but it's borring so I think this is my gateway to share about my crappy day sometimes :)

The first thing I'd say could be "Huh?" or "Dunno" when I meet a new person. I might not be your perfect choice? I know it's lame, keke, but hey I'm the fun package if you want know me better ;)

You might wonder why Asian Education Nation? Because I want to contribute a bit of knowledges to people. Maybe they could learn something extra. The Asian part just came up. There's no explanation.

So this little starter blog officially launched today on the date of 06/22/07. So excited and can't wait to share my thoughts, experience, and all the other things that goes by yours. Thank you! and Good Luck! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi!! Long time no news from you!! I guess u r doing good as reading your post!!! take care...